Alexander Dennis PDF Manuals

Alexander Dennis Enviro400 Pneumatics Manual
Alexander Dennis Enviro400 Pneumatics Manual
Alexander Dennis Enviro400 Pneumatics Ma
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 The famous Alexander Dennis is a double-decker city bus that is strongly associated with the British Isles around the world. This is understandable: it is there, in large cities, that two-story buildings traditionally occupy from a quarter to half of the entire park. They are found in other countries, mainly in the same British colonies (from Australia to Hong Kong), but there are also in Europe - in Berlin and Bratislava. And now in North America.


Historically, the most famous was New York's Fifth Avenue, which closed in 1962).

However, in the last half century, the British company Alexander Dennis received an order for 520 buses for the United States at once, and a couple of years ago - for another 400 double-decker buses for Canada. Moreover, this firm is English, rich in history. Its name is the names of two previously independent firms that merged into one in 2004.


Alexander Dennis is one of the two major UK manufacturers. At the same time, at home, all buses of the Enviro 500 model are two-axle, 11.3 m long.

The largest, the brand's double-decker bus, the Condor, appeared in Hong Kong bus fleets in the late 1970s. It was equipped with British Gardner diesels and Voith automatic transmissions and could accommodate up to 128 passengers.

The main change for America is the overall height of 4.1 m, the main condition. The units were carried by American companies: Cummins engines, Allison B500 automatic transmissions. And, according to American requirements, an energy-absorbing front bumper with a bicycle holder. To please demanding environmentalists, there is a gas version, and a hybrid version is coming soon.


But in general, this order is a whim of local carriers? No, of course, these are the famous "market levers". Parking in large American cities is the same headache as everywhere else, and it also costs a lot of money. Therefore, the demand for buses is constantly growing. However, their increase leads to more traffic jams - and therefore Alexander Dennis, which carries 86 only seated passengers, is much more profitable than usual.